Losi brings the circle track excitement of late model racing to the mini RC category with the Mini-Late Model. Based on the proven performance of Losi's extended mini-vehicle platform, the Mini-Late Model offers several performance features and a true-to-life body design. From the dirt track to the driveway, the Mini-Late Model's size and handling will have you speeding through the corners anywhere and everywhere.

    I started racing the late model on carpet in march of 2009. I started in the Box Stock class where the only mod allowed was radio, and ball diff. By May of 2009 most everyone had started running an Outlaw class, where anything goes. So I started modifying mine, first with a brushless Xcelorin 8400, and then control arms and turnbuckles, etc. etc.

The Carpet oval is about 110' run line inside the Pittsburgh Mills Mall near Pittsburgh PA. We race there in the winter. There is a dirt oval with about a 170' run line at McCullough's which is located in Sarver PA. and he just started an indoor oval in the summer, with limited success.


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This is the body I run on carpet

This is the body I run on the dirt

Rear suspension (before mid motor)

Rear suspension (before mid motor)

Front suspension




Chassis overall

Mid motor conversion

Mid motor conversion

Mid motor conversion

Mid motor conversion

Dirt body

Dirt body

Dirt body