Current Pennsylvania State Championship Sparing Points

Tournament Schedule (tentative)

Date Class Location
3/13/2010 A PITTSBURGH, PA
4/9/2010 A TERRE HOUTE, IN
4/17/2010 B SOUTH BEND, IN

“Class C” Tournaments

“Class C” tournaments are to be “inner-school” events. That means that only members of schools or clubs owned by the same owner (meaning their name is included on the license of the school or club on record with the School Operations Department of the ATA International Headquarters) can participate.

The points awarded for a “Class C” tournament are as follows:
For all divisions of 5 competitors or more:
1st place - 3 points
2nd place - 2 points
3rd place - 1 point

“Class B” Tournaments

Regional events that have been approved by the school/club owner’s region and sanctioned by the Tournament Department of the ATA International Headquarters are considered “Class B” tournaments.

The points awarded for a “Class B” tournament are as follows:
For all divisions of 5 competitors or more --
1st place - 5 points
2nd place - 3 points
3rd place - 1 point

“Class A” Tournaments

“Class A” tournaments are regional events that have been approved by the school/club owner’s region and sanctioned by the Tournament Department of the ATA International Headquarters.
In order for a tournament to be eligible for the “Class A” ranking, the history of the previous events hosted by the same school/club owner is reviewed.

Because of the larger size of the event and the potential for more competitors in each division, the points awarded are increased from that of a “Class B” event. The points awarded for a “Class A” tournament are as follows:
For all divisions of 5 competitors or more --
1st place - 8 points
2nd place - 5 points
3rd place - 2 points